Walkshed Philadelphia | Personal and Precise Walkability Mapping: "Walkshed uses an advanced methodology to calculate and map walkability. It is the personal research project of Aaron Ogle, a software developer at Azavea in Philadelphia, PA.
While living in Seattle, Aaron became intrigued by Alan Durning of the Sightline Institute and his concept of a 'walkshed' that would score a location based on the quantity and diversity of amenities within a one-mile radius. A year later, Walk Score, which drew heavily from Durning's walkshed concept, became the first application to calculate walkability. Walk Score is a fantastic application with a clever methodology but it also has a number of acknowledged limitations.
Aaron wondered if improvements were possible. So as part of Azavea's 10% research project program, he has developed Walkshed Philadelphia and now Walkshed NY to demonstrate that it is possible to more accurately calculate and map walkability."