Friday, August 30, 2013

Pennsylvanians are driving less "“In Pennsylvania, driving miles are down, just as they are in almost every state — only more,” said Ashley Afranie-Sakyi of PennPIRG. “It’s time for policy makers to wake up and realize the driving boom is over. We need to reconsider expensive highway expansions and focus on alternatives such as public transit and biking, which people increasingly use to get around.”"

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Want to live #carfree? Try Philadelphia

Next City: "Philly has the highest rate of bike commuting of the 10 largest U.S. cities, with bicycle mode share twice as high as that of the next-best city, Chicago. Neighborhoods in Center City and South Philly are in the same league as all-stars like Portland and Minneapolis for bicycle ridership. With bike share allegedly rolling out next year, and car share networks gaining popularity, it’s only going to get easier and more convenient to live car-free."